Competition bikini
Take your measurements
Measure desired top
If you already have a competition bikini with the right measurements and model that you want for your next one, you can measure it. If you don't, you may have a beach bikini with the right measurements that you can measure if you want a triangle top. Then measure A in both the way it covers decently and in the stretched out position.
If you want a good cup, you may want to measure one of your bras that fits decently.
If you want a Sweetheart or Hardshell and you don't have one before, measure directly on the body.
Small: A15cm, W16cm
Medium: A16cm, W17cm
Large: A17cm, W18cm
Xlarge: A18cm, W19cm
XXlarge: A19cm, W20cm
Good cup
triangle top
Small: A17cm, W13cm
Medium: A18cm, W14cm
Large: A19cm, W15cm
Xlarge: A20cm, W16cm